In October 2012, FECCA received funding from the Australian Government Office for Women within the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs to undertake the Women’s Leadership and Development Strategy/Promoting of CALD Women’s Participation on Boards and in Decision-Making Positions Project (the Project). The overall aim of the Project is to enhance the participation of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women on boards and in decision-making positions.
The study used Quantitative methods that included surveys (questionnaires distributed to all participants); structured interviewing (both face to face and by telephone); secondary analysis and official statistics; content analysis.
Qualitative methods included interviews (face-to-face and by telephone); focus groups; case studies and documentary analysis.
Diann Rodgers-Healey was a Key Informant to this study and was one of the sixty CALD women who contributed case studies either by completing and submitting a case study template or by participating in a phone based or face to face interview covering the questions set out in the case study template.
The overwhelming majority of women participating in this part of the study possessed significant levels of experience in decision-making roles or on boards.
The case studies provided invaluable qualitative data around career paths into leadership positions, ongoing challenges faced by CALD women in these roles and the range of unique contributions they bring to leadership roles.
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