Dear Hon Julia Gillard MP
The Australian Centre for Leadership for Women (ACLW) is extremely proud of your achievements as Australia’s first female Prime Minister.
Your Prime Ministership has provided a rich legacy of leading the 43rd Parliament and pursuing legislative reform in a challenging political environment characterised by a hung parliament, minority government, partisan politics and internal instability.
ACLW acknowledges and appreciates that you have introduced some significant reforms that are important for women and that you have done this with tenacity, determination and remarkable courage.
We are proud that you dealt with sexist and misogynist attacks, and that you did so with dignity.
Thank you, especially, for paving the way for other women aspiring to be Prime Minister.
We wish you all the very best in your future endeavours.
Yours sincerely
Dr Diann Rodgers-Healey
Executive Director, ACLW
Scanned copy of a Letter of Thanks from The Hon Julia Gillard in response to the letter and all the signatories
Please note that 31 July 13 was the last day to become a signatory to this letter. A copy of this letter with all the signatories was posted to the Hon Julia Gillard. Her electorate office was informed of this initiative when it commenced.
Individuals/Organisations included as signatories to this letter:
Alessandra Sassi |
Alexa McLaughlin |
Alexandra Nissen |
Ali Barnacle RCH |
Alice Webber |
Alison Laycock |
Alison Nash |
Alwyn Friedersdorff, President of Australian Local Government Women’s Association, Tasmania |
Amanda Lawrence, Australian Policy Online |
Amanda Williams |
Ann Barbato |
Ann Duffy |
Anna Johnson |
Anna Kleinig |
Anna McCormack |
Anna Russell |
Anne Clarke |
Anne Messenger |
Anne O’Rourke, Lecturer Monash University & Vice-President, Liberty Victoria |
Anne Paul |
Anne S. Walker |
Anne Summers AO |
Annee Lawrence |
Annette Hackett |
Annette Korzeba – Soroptimist International of Australia |
Annie Clark |
Annie Talvé |
Antionette Woolford |
Aruna Gajbhiye (India) |
Associate Professor Cheryl Kernot |
Associate Professor Irene Tempone |
Associate Professor Julie Leask |
Australian Local Government Women’s Association New South Wales Branch Inc |
Australian Local Government Women’s Association Northern Territory Branch Inc |
Australian Local Government Women’s Association Queensland Branch Inc |
Australian Local Government Women’s Association South Australian Branch Inc |
Australian Local Government Women’s Association Tasmania Branch Inc |
Australian Local Government Women’s Association Victoria Branch |
Australian Local Government Women’s Association Western Australia Branch |
Australian Women’s Coalition |
Australian Women’s Health Network |
Ava Larsen |
Avril Henry |
Barbara Fletcher |
Barbara Labram |
Barbara Levy |
Barbara MacGregor |
Barbara McDonell |
Barbara O’Dwyer |
Beatrice McGregor |
Belinda Tkalcevic |
Beth Aldridge |
Beth Flynn |
Betty Hounslow |
Bobbie Townsend |
Brenda Mason |
Broken Hill City Council |
Bronwyn Thwaites |
Bronwyn Weir |
Business and Professional Women |
Carmel Grimmett |
Carmel Shute |
Carol Altmann |
Carol Gledhill |
Carol Perry |
Carole-Anne Priest |
Caroline Roberts |
Carolyn Fordham |
Carolyn Worth |
Carolyn Wright |
Catherine Deveny |
Catherine Evans |
Catholic Women’s League of Australia |
Cathy Netherwood |
Centre Against Violence |
Charmaine Farrell |
Chris Burvill |
Christine Craik |
Christine Henty |
Christine O’Neil |
Cinthia Del Grosso |
Claire Brennan |
Claire Brereton, Brereton Consulting |
Claire Connelly |
Claire Voorderhake |
Clare Pine |
Claudia Howard |
Colette McGuirk |
Colleen Filippa |
Colleen Winney |
Corinne Fagueret |
Councillor Darriea Turley |
Daisy Ryan |
Dalene Amm |
Damian Johnson |
Danna Nelse |
Darilyn Roman |
Dave Best |
Dayle O’Brien |
Debbie Jamieson |
Debbie Kilroy OAM |
Deborah Nanschild, Centre for Leadership Excellence |
Debra Lane |
Debra Lee |
Denise Bett |
Denise Roberts |
Di Hirsh OAM |
Diana Davidson |
Diana Ryall AM |
Diane M Bell |
Diane Tompson |
Dianne (Di) Bates |
Dianne Dempster |
Dianne Lane |
Dianne Moll |
Dinah Cohen |
Dominique Thiriet |
Dr Alison Ziller |
Dr Angela Taft |
Dr Ann Morrow |
Dr Beverley Hall |
Dr Carol Archer |
Dr Caroll Graham |
Dr Cecilia Spence FCPA |
Dr Deborah Verran |
Dr Di Brown |
Dr Elian Fink |
Dr Gabrielle McMullin |
Dr Heather Barker |
Dr Hilary Armstrong |
Dr Ian McGregor |
Dr Jane Bourke |
Dr Jean Murray |
Dr Jennifer Strauss AM, Graduate Women Victoria |
Dr Jenny Brown |
Dr Jo McCubbin |
Dr Louise North |
Dr Margaret Bevege |
Dr Margaret Grace |
Dr Marie Bismark, Deputy President, Family Planning NZ |
Dr Mary Anne Kennan |
Dr Megan Brock rsj |
Dr Michele A. Connolly, rsj |
Dr Sally Gray |
Dr Sonia Laverty |
Dr Susan Harris Rimmer |
Dr Tatiana Paipetis |
Dr Trish Todd |
Dr Virginia Shepherd |
Edward Lukac |
Eileen Oates |
Elaine Buttler |
Elizabeth Clay |
Elizabeth Drozd |
Elizabeth Florescu (Canada) |
Elizabeth Franklin |
Elizabeth Re |
Elizabeth Saunders |
Ellen Fox |
Emerita Professor Chilla Bulbeck |
Emily’s List |
Emmie Collins |
Erica Jolly, Graduate Women South Australia |
Erica Jolly, Graduate Women South Australia |
Esme Tyson |
Fances Panopoulos |
Fatima Ali |
Felicity Lord, Vice President, Graduate Women South Australia |
Fiona Armstrong |
Fiona Armstrong |
Fiona Bathgate |
Fiona Boyle |
Fiona Cullen |
Fitted for Work Ltd |
Fran Hayes |
Fran Murrell |
Frances Langenberg |
Freda St. John Watkin |
Gabriel Edwards |
Gabrielle Murphy |
Gaby Jung |
Gail Allan |
Ged Kearney |
Georgia Prattis |
Georgina Napier |
Geraldine King |
Geraldine Robertson |
Gillian Collins |
Gippsland Centre Against Sexual Assault |
Giuliana Fuscaldo |
Glenda Briggs |
Glenda Heidorn |
Graham Theaker |
Gregor Macfie |
Hazara Women of Australia Inc |
Heather Causley |
Heather Clarke |
Heather Pearce |
Helen Barcham |
Helen Bolton |
Helen Pike |
Helen Robb |
Helen Sara (Former Treasurer of FECCA) |
Helen Wiseman |
Hellen Cooke |
Holly Fisher-McLean |
Holly Reid |
Hugo Larsen |
Iain Finlay |
Ian Fox |
Ian Johnson |
Illawarra Women’s Health Centre |
Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social Development (ISRC) |
Irit Alony |
Isabell Collins |
Jacquelyn Fingleton (Granddaughter of Jessie Street) |
Jan Boynton |
Jan Cornall |
Jan Green |
Jan Kent |
Jan Owen AM |
Jane Baker |
Jane Caro |
Jane G Leahy |
Janet Clayton |
Janet Macfarlane |
Janey Kelf |
Janie Cohen |
Janine Agzarian |
Janine Smith |
Jayne Boardman |
Jean Caddle |
Jean McConnachie |
Jeanette Brokman |
Jen Anderson |
Jennifer Edge |
Jennifer Jones |
Jennifer Taylor |
Jill Briggs |
Jillian Barham |
Jillian Blakey |
Jillian Gibbs |
Jim and Cheryl Aitkin |
Jo Ferrari |
Joan Myers |
Joanna Hayter |
Joanna Knott |
Joanne Madsen |
Jo-Anne Miley |
Jocelyn Klug |
Joy Collins |
Joy Phillips |
Joyce Buso |
Jozefa Sobski |
Judith Kidd |
Judith Rodriguez AM |
Judith van Unen |
Judy Flanagan |
Judy Holding |
Judy Milner |
Judy Tonkin |
Julia Ann Boyle |
Julia Harrison |
Juliana Celcer |
Julie Smith |
Julie Telenta |
Juliet Bourke |
Justene Knight |
Kacey Martin |
Kara Greenhouse |
Karen Buczynski-Lee: Winged Victory Productions |
Karen McKeown |
Kate Curr |
Kate Mills |
Kate O’Reilly |
Kath Brackett |
Kath Higgins |
Kath Mazzella OAM |
Katherine Kavalos, AIACORP |
Kathleen Dellow |
Kathryn Mackenzie |
Kathy Mumford, Australian Federation of Graduate Women (AFGW) |
Katrina Lawrence |
Katy McDonald |
Kelly Bannister |
Kelly Carbery |
Keran Howe |
Kerrie Bigsworth |
Kerry Borthwick |
Kerry Burns |
Kerry Graham |
Kerry Lovering OAM |
Khadiga Ahmen |
Kiera Lindsey |
Kristin Stegley OAM |
Kristine Olaris |
Kylie Hall |
Laila Fanebust |
Lara Jane Piercy |
Lari Dimitrios |
Lee Hill |
Leigh Dayton |
Leigh Ellwood-Brown |
Leila Bryant |
Leila Henderson, CEO, Newsgallery Pty Ltd |
Lesley Barclay |
Libby Davies, White Ribbon |
Libby Lloyd |
Lin Hatfield Dodds |
Lin McDevitt-Pugh |
Linda McClelland |
Linda Simon |
Lisa McLean |
Lisa Parnell |
Liz Hanson |
Liz Macfie |
Lorna Paviour |
Louise Kelly |
Louise Thwaites |
Louise Young |
Lynda Newton |
Lynette Dumble, Global Sisterhood Network |
Lynette Lowndes |
Lynn Harris |
M O’Toole, Former Australia-Singapore Young Business Ambassador |
Maggie Clarke |
Maggie Lawlor |
Mairi Rowan – Women’s Liberationist |
Mandy Grinblat |
Marg D’Arcy |
Margaret Bearlin |
Margaret Carroll |
Margaret Collyer |
Margaret Harris |
Margaret Hunter OAM |
Margaret James |
Margaret Kelly |
Margaret Kidd |
Margaret T.C. Harris |
Margaret Watson |
Margid Bryn-Burns |
Margot Pearson |
Margot Tucker |
Maria Cucinotta, The Image CEO |
Maria Dimopoulos |
Maria Leonardis |
Maria Mercurio |
Marianne Courtenay |
Marilyn Forsythe |
Marilyn Holloway |
Marion Webster OAM |
Marion Wright |
Marja Groen, Chairperson, Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV) |
Marlo McClelland |
Mary Anderson |
Mary Crooks AO |
Mary O’Sullivan |
Maureen Daly |
Maureen Meijnen |
Maureen Meijnen |
Maurreen McKeown |
Max Kidd |
Megan Eade |
Megan Gillies |
Megan Kingham |
Megan Starr |
Melba Marginson |
Melinda Jewell |
Melissa Green |
Melissa Lange |
Melissa Sweet |
Melody Patterson |
Mercedes Slater |
Merrilyn Mannerheim |
Mervyn A. Murchie |
Michael O’Connell |
Michelle Aleksandrovics Lovegrove, Director NSW Indigenous Camber of Commerce |
Michelle Dodd |
Michelle Forwood |
Michelle Hughes |
Michelle Perry |
Mikaela Wangmann |
Mike Zissler |
Myra Moore |
Myriad Consultants |
Nadia Baker |
Najeeba Wazefadost |
Natalya Godbold |
National Executive of Catholic Women’s League Australia |
Nicole L Morgan |
Nicolette Mulder |
Noelle Hamilton |
Noelle Kebby |
Nola Jones |
Ofra Shabtay |
Older Women’s Network NSW Inc (OWN NSW) |
Onnie Wilson |
Patricia Chapman |
Patricia Hovey |
Pauline Dellow |
Pauline Gilbert |
Penny King |
Peter Stubbs |
Phil Mahoney |
Phoebe Knowles |
Pia Larsen |
Professor Emerita Marian Quartly |
Professor Helen Keleher |
Professor Kit Kelen, Univeristy of Macau |
Professor Margaret Thornton |
Professor Marilyn Lake |
Professor Niki Ellis |
Rachael Haggett |
Rebecca Whitton |
Rebekah Adams |
Rhonda Baker |
Rhonda Black |
Rika Kelso |
Robyn Bishop |
Robyn Gaspari |
Robyn Gleeson |
Robyn Merton |
Robyn Smith |
Roger Ward |
Roger West |
Rose Ellis |
Roselynne Anderson |
Rosemary House |
Rosemary Nissen-Wade |
Rosie Rosengren |
Roslyn Lambert |
Roy Rodgers, Sydney |
Ruth Anderson |
Ruth Boydell |
Ruth Mahoney |
Ruth Russell, Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom – Australian Section |
Ruth Stewart |
Safiya Morehouse |
Sally James |
Sandra Cook, Corum Health Services |
Sandra Padova |
Sara Browne |
Sara Irvine |
Sarah Baker |
Sarah Boyd |
Sarah Caper |
Sarah Fogg |
Sarah Jewell |
Sarah Lawrence |
Sharan Daly |
Sharon Bhagwan Rolls, FemLINKPacific |
Sharyl Scott |
Sheryle Bagwell |
Shirley Koch |
Shirley Randell, SRI Public Sector Reform Propriety Limited |
Siobhan Langan |
Sophia Koutes |
Sophie Trpcevski |
Soroptimist International |
South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault |
Stanika Rjazancew-Djurdjevic, Stanika Solutions Pty Ltd |
Stephanie Gotlib |
Stephanie Pope |
Stuart Hume |
Sue Finucane |
Sue McClure |
Sue McKenzie |
Sue Muller |
Sue Rawlinson |
Sue Spence |
Susan Kidd |
Susan Weber |
Susie McLean |
Suzanne Schmitz |
Tamara Cumming |
Terrie Hall |
Tess Costelloe |
The 100% Project |
The Australian Federation of Medical Women (AFMW) |
The Board at Women in Technology |
The Chamber of Women in Business |
The Migrant Women’s Lobby Group of SA |
The Pearls (a friendship women’s group connected through stitching) |
Thea Everett |
Theen Moy |
Theresa Fitzmaurice |
Therese Virtue OAM |
Thornbury Women’s Neighbourhood House |
Tina McDonald |
Tina Wilkins |
Tracy Wilkinson |
Trish Butler |
Trish Clark |
Ursula Harrison |
Val Baldwin OAM |
Val Munro |
Veronica Bird |
Vicki McLean |
Vicki Russell |
Vicky Marquis |
Victoria Nesire |
Vince Taranto |
Violet Roumeliotis |
Virgina Ross |
Virginia Leafe |
Virginia Matthews |
Vivi Germanos-Koutsounadis OAM |
W. Barry Bell |
Wil Bedford |
Willi Carney |
Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE) |
Women Into Politics |
Working Women’s Centre SA Inc |
Yiminta Morehouse |
Yu Dan Shi |
Yvette Nesire |
Yvonne Duke |
Zelda D’Aprano |
Zonta International 24 |
520 Nicola Stratford
521 Shelley Landmark