
Is there a better way to call a government to account other than shouting out and decrying bad policy and behaviour with the hope that eventually citizens will influence change?
In the lead up to the 2022 Australian Federal Election to elect members of the 47th Parliament of Australia, calling to account the incumbent Liberal/National Coalition government, led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, reached a fierce crescendo when many cited evidence and critically analysed government actions and policy intentions.
To harness constructive citizen engagement on a regular basis is to make inclusive ethical democratic governance in the interest of a nation, the norm. To harness it during the terms of a government rather than at the ballot box is to enable a constructive partnership between citizens and the government for relevant, responsible and effective governance of a nation.
How to do this led to the framework proposed in a White Paper which was released for comment from mid-2022 to early 2023. This eBook presents the White Paper and the analysis of it so far, and invites citizens in Australia and any nation to consider the proposal for a better way to call a government to account.
Thanks to comments on the proposal from Sir Gustav Nossal, Dr Nikhat Shameem, Claire Kearns, Diane Dromgold, Rev Jon Owen, Howard Blacker, Dr Kate Crawford, Michael Dowling, Sally Moyle and Judith Henderson. All comments have been included in this eBook.
The free Ebook can be downloaded at https://issuu.com/democracyguardians