The Hidden Trends of Disrespect from the Stop it at the Start campaign.

Not all disrespect towards women results in violence. But all violence against women starts with disrespectful behaviour. Violence can take many different forms, including physical and non-physical, and we may not always recognise it. Being aware of the different ways that violence and abuse is used helps us to better understand it, talk about it, and reject it.

The Stop it at the Start campaign aims to end violence against women. Most victims of family, domestic and sexual violence are women, and most violence against women is perpetrated by men.

This resource aims to support adults to understand the hidden trends of disrespect that young people are exposed to.

Watch the 60-second ad titled The Hidden Trends of Disrespect from the Stop it at the Start campaign.

Resources :

Violence against women starts with disrespect

Explore a young Australian’s social media experience now.

The Conversation Guide:

The Excuse Interpreter:

The Algorithm of Disrespect:

How can you make a difference?

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