ACLW adopts the Australian Women’s Health Charter launched by the Australian Women’s Health Network (AWHN).
The Australian Women’s Health Charter seeks to influence all political parties in the lead up the 2016 Federal election. It calls on them, if elected, to commit to national leadership in taking action to ensure the health and well-being needs of all women in Australia are met.
“The Charter gives a clear view of what is needed to improve the health of all women in Australia and put it the forefront of the political debate,” Kelly Banister, CEO of AWHN said.
“The Australian Women’s Health Network calls on all political parties and candidates in the election to endorse and commit to action on The Charter.
“Their responses will be posted on AWHN’s website so voters can decide who will deliver the best policy and services to meet women’s health and well-being needs, many of which presently go unmet,”
Banister said. “We also invite other organisations, businesses, governments and communities to sign on and adopt the Australian Women’s Health Charter as their own,”
Banister said. “The impetus for the Australian Women’s Health Charter came from the compelling evidence that what is needed for women to experience optimal health and well-being is a ‘whole of government’ policy and gender based services.”
“With bipartisan political commitment and cross sector and community support, together we can mark a new beginning for women’s health and contribute to the creation of a fair and healthy Australian society,” Banister said.
The ambition of the Australian Women’s Health Charter is to inspire all Australians to value women and understand that a woman’s well-being is the shared responsibility of the entire community, and that improving women’s health benefits the entire community.
AWHN’s Charter is at http://awhn.org.au/home/womens-health-charter/