It’s time to End the Gender Pay Gap – Join WGEA’s 2025 campaign 

On March 4, for the second time, WGEA (the Workplace Gender Equality Agency) will publish the gender pay gaps of over 9,000 private sector employers.

Many companies are making progress. But progress is too slow for the many women and men disadvantaged by it.  

Only 56% of employers improved their organisation’s gender pay gap over the past 12 months. Men made up just 17% of people who took up primary carer’s parental leave. And 1 in 4 boards still don’t have a single woman on them. 

The evidence shows fixing these imbalances is possible. It leads to greater productivity and profitability, and healthier, happier workers. Which means a happier, more productive, Australia. 

In the lead up to the publishing of gender pay gaps, How can you get involved? 

Play the game and inform yourself of the facts. Dig into the data. Understand the causes. And help to end the gender pay gap. 

Are you familiar with your employer’s performance? Do you know the gender pay gaps of Australia’s best-known companies? It’s all available on WGEA’s Data Explorer

Test your understanding of the drivers of the gender pay gap in Australia. Play the game and share it with your friends and networks. 

Want to know how to take action? Go here

WGEA is calling all employers.

Your Employer Statement is a tool to communicate with key stakeholders about your gender pay gap and what action you are taking to address it. 

To ensure your Employer Statement is published on the Data Explorer at the same time as your Gender Pay Gap, you need to upload a link by the 24th February.

Read WGEA’s Employer Statement Guide and watch a webinar for advice on how to maximise the potential of your employer statement here

Need support? Book in with WGEA’s 1:1 Advisory Service

What’s coming up at WGEA in 2025

In April, WGEA will publish Commonwealth Public Sector employer gender pay gaps on the Data Explorer. The overall Public Sector Scorecard will be released at the same time.

Private Sector gender equality reporting opens 1 April and continues until 31 May 2025. 

Commonwealth Public Sector gender equality reporting opens 1 September and continues until 31 October 2025. 

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