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Panel of Judges for ACLW’s Awards
2006 – 2009 Leadership Achievement Award (LAA)
2009 Leadership Achievement Award’s Panel of Judges
- Dr Jocelynne Scutt, Barrister & Human Rights Lawyer, First Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Executive Producer
- Christine Nixon, Chief Police Commissioner, Victoria Police
- Dr Shirley Randell AM, Senior Adviser, Senior Adviser Governance and Gender, SNV, East and Southern Africa Region ‐ Rwanda
- Dr Lynette Dumble, Founder and Director of Global Sisterhood Network
- Cheryl O’Connor, CEO, Australian College of Educators
- Karen Buczynski-Lee, Filmaker and Writer
- Diann Rodgers-Healey, Founder of CLW – Judges Award Team Leader
2008 Leadership Achievement Award’s Panel of Judges
- Dr Jocelynne Scutt, Barrister & Human Rights Lawyer, First Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Executive Producer
- Dr Shirley Randell AM, Senior Adviser, Senior Adviser Governance and Gender, SNV, East and Southern Africa Region ‐ Rwanda
- Dr Lynette Dumble, Founder and Director of Global Sisterhood Network
- Carmelita Steinke, Director 2VoxFM, Radio & Media Specialist
- Cheryl O’Connor, CEO, Australian College of Educators
- Moira Rayner, Principal Moira Rayner & Associates, formerly Commissioner for Equal Opportunity (Victoria), Director of the Office of the Children’s Rights Commissioner for London, a Director of the National Federation of Australian Women and the Law Institute of Victoria, writer and lawyer
- Dr Sarah Maddison, Senior Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, writer, media commentator for Women’s Electoral Lobby (WEL) and a former Policy Officer for the NSW Department for Women
- Geraldine Robertson, Founder and Director of Women’s Web – Women’s Stories, Women’s Actions
- Diann Rodgers-Healey, Founder of CLW – Award Team Leader
2007 Leadership Achievement Award’s Panel of Judges
- Dr Jocelynne Scutt, Barrister, First Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Barrister & Human Rights Lawyer, and Executive Producer
- Dr Shirley Randell AM, Senior Adviser,
- Senior Adviser Governance and Gender, SNV, East and Southern Africa Region ‐ Rwanda
- Dr Lynette Dumble, Founder and Director of Global Sisterhood Network
- Carmelita Steinke, Director 2VoxFM, Radio & Media Specialist
- Avril Henry, Executive Director, AH Revelations Pty Ltd
- Cheryl O’Connor, CEO, Australian College of Educators
- Diann Rodgers-Healey, Founder of CLW – Judges Award Team Leader
2006 Leadership Achievement Award’s Panel of Judges
- Dr Jocelynne Scutt, Barrister & Executive Producer, Former Anti-Discrimination Commissioner of Tasmania & Executive Producer
- Dr Shirley Randell AM United Nations Project Implementation Specialist for the CapacityBuilding for Gender Mainstreaming Project in Bangladesh
- Dr Lynette Dumble, Founder and Director of Global Sisterhood Network
- Carmelita Steinke, Director 2VoxFM, Radio & Media Specialist
- Carolyn Leigh, Senior Project Manager, Communities Division, NSW Department of Community Services
- Diann Rodgers-Healey, Founder of CLW – Judges Award Team Leader
2010-2011 Advancement of Women in the Workplace Award (AWWA)
- Nareen Young, CEO of Diversity Council Australia
- Avril Henry, Principal of Avril Henry Pty Ltd
- Katy McDonald, National Director of People and Development at Minter Ellison Lawyers
- Diann Rodgers-Healey, Founder of CLW – Judges Award Team Leader
2012–2015 Sustaining Women’s Empowerment in Communities and Organisations (SWECO) Award
- Dr Michelle Bakar, HR Director Aust/NZ, Kellogg Australia
- Sue Conde, Co-Chair, Sydney Chapter Australian National Committee for UN Women
- Richard Denniss – Executive Director The Australia Institute
- Maria Dimopoulos, Managing Director MyriaD Consultants Pty Ltd
- Susan Ferrier, Head of PPC & Internal Communication, People, Performance & Culture, KPMG
- Dr Pat Hamilton, President of National Rural Women’s Coalition (NRWC)
- Carrie Leeson, CEO, Lifeline Canberra
- Tanya Hosch, Deputy Campaign Director, Recognise
- Terese Edwards, CEO, National Council of Single Mothers & their Children
- Dawn Hough, Director, Pride in Diversity
- Eddy De Gabriele, Chariman Regional Development Australia – Illawarra & Managing Director Edmen Group
- Nick Guggisberg, Manager Community & Cultural Development, Kiama Municipal Council
- Katy McDonald, National Director, People and Development, Minter Ellison
- Janine Middleton, Co-Chair, Australian Marriage Equality
- Associate Professor Lindsay Oades, Director, Australian Institute for Business Well Being, University of Wollongong
- Georgia Prattis, Managing Director, MyriaD Consultants Pty Ltd
- Padma Raman, Executive Director of the Australian Human Rights Commission
- Professor Shirley Randell AO, expert in public sector and institutional reform, gender mainstreaming and human rights
- Graham West, CEO National Vice President St Vincent de Paul Society NSW & Consultant
- Helen Wiseman, Director, Imalia
- Nareen Young, Director, Pricewaterhouse Coopers Indigenous Consulting; Fmr CEO Diversity Council Australia
- Mike Zissler, CEO, Lifeline Canberra
- Diann Rodgers-Healey, Founder of CLW – Judges Award Team Leader
2016 Diversity Award Judging Panel
- Carrie Leeson, CEO Lifeline Canberra
- Dawn Hough, Director, Pride in Diversity
- Georgia Prattis, Managing Director, MyriaD Consultants Pty Ltd
- Graham West, National President, St Vincent de Paul Society & Consultant
- Helen Wiseman, Non-Executive Director & Professional Mentor
- Janine Middleton, Co-Chair, Australian Marriage Equality
- Katy McDonald, National Director of People & Development, Sydney Opera House
- Maria Dimopoulos, Managing Director, MyriaD Consultants Pty Ltd
- Nareen Young, Director, Pricewaterhouse Coopers Indigenous Consulting; Fmr CEO Diversity Council Australia
- Nick Guggisberg, Manager Community & Cultural Development Kiama Municipal Council
- Padma Raman, Executive Director of the Australian Human Rights Commission
- Dr Patricia Hamilton, President of National Rural Women’s Coalition (NRWC)
- Roy Rogers, CEO The Flagstaff Group
- Shirley Chowdhary, Counsel, Group Treasury Westpac
- Professor Shirley Randell, Gender Equality Specialist
- Sue Conde AM Former President, United Women Australia
- Susan Ferrier, National Head of People, Performance & Culture, KPMG
- Terese Edwards, CEO, National Council of Single Mothers & their Children
- Diann Rodgers-Healey, Director of ACLW – Judges Award Team Leader
Sponsors for ACLW’s Award Program
- EY
- Aon
- Minter Ellison
- Australia Post
- NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS)
- St Vincents de Paul Society
- Northern Rivers Social Development Council (NRSDC)
- Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre
- Settlement Services International (SSI)
- Avril Henry Pty Ltd
- Fernwood
- Playgroup NSW
- Advance Personnel Inc Canberra
- Living Now Magazine
- Melbourne’s Young Business Professionals
- Leadership Victoria
- Benevolent Society
- Mother Inc.com.au
- Twig Marketing
- M& M Trophy Warehouse
- Ki Print
Political and Organisational Supporters
- The Hon Gareth Ward MP
- The Hon Pru Goward MP
- The Hon Shelley Hancock MP
- The Hon Tanya Pilbersek MP
- The Hon Catherine Cusack MLC
- The Hon Sue Ellery, MP
- The Hon Jennifer Rankine, MP
- The Hon Maxine Morand MP
- The Hon Maxine McKew MP
- The Hon Karen Struthers MP
- The Hon Victor Dominello MP
- The Hon Gail Gago MLC
- The Hon Joy Burch MLA
- The Hon Sharon Bird, MP
- The Hon Jodeen Carney MLA
- The Hon Katy Gallagher MLA
- The Hon Desley Boyle MP
- The Hon Dr Carmen Lawrence MP
- The Hon Sandra Nori MP
- The Hon Verity Firth MP
- Senator the Hon Claire Moore
- Senator the Hon Natasha Stott Despoja
- Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
- The Hon Mike Baird MP
- The Hon Linda Burney MP
- The Hon. John Ajaka MLC
- The Hon. Jillian Skinner
- Christine Forster, City of Sydney Councillor
- Dr John Falzon, CEO, St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia
- Helen Conway, Fmr CEO Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA),Deputy Chair, Aon Superannuation Pty Ltd
Award Recipients
ACLW’s Award Recipients are featured in ACLW’s Honours Roll
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