The Australian Centre for Leadership for Women between 2000 and 2019 invited prominent national and international female and male leaders in different sectors to focus on how they became leaders, the forces that shape them and their vision and their reflections on leadership. These unedited interviews offer an insight into the individual’s values, leadership competencies and attributes.
The mission of ACLW is to enable the valuing of women and their advancement in workplaces. The interviews attempt to articulate this mission in the lived experience of the people interviewed. All of the interviews were conducted by the director of the Centre, Dr Diann Rodgers-Healey.
To commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Centre, the 73 interviews have been compiled and brought together as a single collection. The information in the biography sections of each interview was correct when the interview was undertaken. Biographies have been sorted alphabetically by the surname of the leader (or the first person listed, when more than one leader is part of the interview.) Website links have mostly been removed, although if a link still seemed to be active, it was retained. No endorsement is made of the content of external websites.
- The complete document contains 475 pages (141,000 words), and is now available for free
for purchase. - Three sample chapters are available for download below.
List of 73 Interviews, sorted alphabetically
01 Mallen Baker
02 Katherine Benziger (sample chapter)
03 Alan Berkowitz
04 Steve Biddulph
05 Susan Boucher (sample chapter)
06 Susie Burrell
07 Ngaire Caruso
08 Tricia Caswell
09 Helen Conway
10 Philippe Couturier
11 Leila Connors
12 Anne Coombs, Susan Varga & Helen McCue
13 Noa Davenport
14 Libby Davies
15 Margaret Douglas
16 Elizabeth Eckermann
17 Julie Gale
18 Jennie George
19 Richard Glover
20 Pru Goward
21 Jacey Graham & Peninah Thomson
22 Michael Grose
23 Diane Halpen & Fanny Cheung
24 Carolyn Hannan
25 Alexandra Harney
26 Anthony Healey
27 Jack Heath (sample chapter)
28 Avril Henry
29 Chai Hicks, Barbara Neville John & Andrew Maloney, Anna & Skye Crotty, Phil Sleeman, Alan & Sue Bainsbridge
30 Diana Hill
31 Marit Hoel
32 Barbara Holmes
33 Patricia Hughes
34 Peter Hurst
35 Sandra Janoff & Marvin Weisbord
36 Sheila Jeffreys
37 Scott Keeter
38 Deborah Kolb
39 Melanie Kontze
40 Fiona Krautil
41 Carolyn Leigh
42 Jill Lindsay
43 Connie Loden
44 Anne Loveridge
45 Kent M. Keith
46 Sarah Maddison
47 Charles Margerison & Dick McCann
48 Ingrid Masi
49 Fiona McKintosh
50 Bernadette McMenamin
51 Ruth Medd
52 Amy S. Mitchell
53 Nathalie Mourier
54 Suzanne Nield
55 Pauline O’Loughlin
56 Graeme Orr
57 Patricia Parker
58 Andrew Penfold
59 Eileen Pittaway
60 Tanya Plibersek
61 Shirley Randell
62 Margaret Reynolds
63 Ocean Robbins
64 Tony Ryan
65 Jocelynne Scutt
66 Nazhat Shameem
67 Peter Spitzer
68 Natasha Stott Despoja
69 Wendy Weeks
70 George Wilkenfeld
71 Joan Winn
72 Fred Alan Wolf
73 Erik Olin Wright