December 2001 | “Women in the Law – What Next?” By The Hon Justice Michael Kirby; Western Australian Vice Chancellor’s Harmony Day Oration By The Rt Hon Mr Malcolm Fraser; Educating Youth Against Racism – A Report Prepared by Morris Lipson for the UN; Women and Leadership By Cathy Miller, Chair of the Queensland Premier’s Council for Women; The Forgetting of Wisdom By Win Metcalfe of The Older Women’s Network; RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan; Visions for a Nation speech by the Hon Joan Kirner for the Hawke Centre; Enterprising Woman of the Year in South Australia |
November 2001 | 3 articles by David Clutterbuck; Key Issues Facing Law in the 21st Century – a Report by the Law Council of Australia; Bringing Home the Truth by Justine Daly; The Success Factors – Managing Change in Regional and Rural Australia – a Report by the RWAC; From Family to Region – Building links for a sustainable future by Cathy McGowan; Women Taking Action – Making a Difference in Regional and Rural Communities; Having a Life: Work, Family, Fairness and Community in 2000 by Barbara Pocock; Beyond 2001-Child Care for Australia Report by the Commonwealth Child Care Advisory Council Special Edition: Survey of Political Parties on major issues; Parties’ commitment to Women; Peak Bodies Comment; Profile of Candidates and Electorates; Indigenous Election Issues and Candidates; Strategic Voting |
October 2001 | Why Children Need to Know Their Rights By Moira Rayner; Beyond Child Survival: UNICEF’s State of World’s Children Report 2001; ABC Interview with QC Geoffrey Robertson – USA Retaliation and Justice; ACTU Study: Fifty Families- What unreasonable hours are doing to Australians, their families and their communities; Job Security No 1 poll issue for women by ACTU; ANTA Labour Market Outcomes for Young People Report; Knowledge economy rocks research foundations too; How can women be involved in CHOGM? U21 New Online University |
September 2001 | Women’s Role in Grassroots Leadership in Rural, Regional and Remote Australia – the potential for Western Australia; Marriage and relationship research and education in Australia – where to from here? Coalition Of Responsible Taxpayers (CORT); Invitation to respond to Minister Philip Ruddock’s Consultations 2002-2003 Migration and Humanitarian Programs and Associated Settlement Issues; The New Zealand Time Use Survey Executive Summary |
August 2001 | Focuses on: Measuring Social Capital – A study addresses: “Is there such a thing as “social capital”, is, does the concept have an empirically meaningful reality? And if so, Can we develop a valid practical measure of social capital?” What Makes a Champion Conference by The Centre for the Mind; and The ATN WEXDEV Model, a dynamic and strategic career development program designed for senior women on the academic and general staffs of these universities. |
July 2001 | Ten articles by Ellen Galinsky on topics that are of concern to parents on an international scale. Ellen Galinsky is the President and Co-Founder of Families and Work Institute, a Manhattan-based non-profit organization conducting research on the changing family, workplace and community. A leading authority on work-family issues, Galinsky is the author of over 20 books and reports, including, Ask the Children, The Six Stages of Parenthood and The Preschool Years |
June 2001 | Address to Victorian Women Lawyers by by Rosemary Calder, First Assistant Secretary, OSW;A Clever Country means extending learning opportunities By Tony Brown, Executive Director of Adult Learning Australia;Policies and Strategies to Build a Learning Culture – An overview of some International Experience and Lessons for Australia By Peter Kearns, Principal of Peter Kearns and Associates;Support Strategies for Women Councillors in NSW – An Issues Paper March 2001 The Hands Up for Women in Council; Have you ever thought of standing for election to a Rural Lands Protection Board? |
May 2001 | How far and how fast? Global Warming and an Economic Response by Philip Sutton; The Kyoto Agreement Failure; The Report of the Regional Meeting of Indigenous Peoples of Australia, NZ, Canada, Hawaii and the United States, in preparation for the World Conference against Racism; Practical Reconciliation; Aboriginal Mentoring Program by Lesley Fogarty-Radloff; Congratulating Carol Martin on being elected to Parliament, The new Australian Universities Quality Agency, Civic Education a must for Australian schools. |
April 2001 | Holistic Healing for Survivors of Abuse – How to be a Survivor not a Victim by Liz Mullinar AM; The Cities or the Bush: Is that the real Problem by Rick Farley; Supporting Women to enter Politics through Networking in Vanuatu by Dr Shirley Randell AM; UN Millenium Peace Prize for Women and UN Women Managing Conflicts seminars |
March 2001 | Sir Edward Weary Dunlop Asialink Lecture by the Rt Hon Mr Malcolm Fraser, Empowerment and leadership Resources for Women and announcing Winners of the Australian Rural Women’s Award 2001 |
February 2001 | The Becoming of a Sceptical Optimist by Heather Crosby from South Australia; United Nations Statistics on World Women; and Hot courses for Careers by Morgan and Banks International |
January 2001 | A lecture presented by Dr Elizabeth Reid Boyd on her thesis: “Being There” Dr Boyd reflects on how her exploration of why mothers stay at home and how this is experienced, lead to the realisation that, “mothers at home were usually discussed in tandem with mothers at work. She argues, “for recognition of the relationship between feminists (and mothers at work) and mothers at home, for, in the child care debate, nothing is gained when they are set up as opposites. With a focus on the nature of anti-competitive behaviours which have emerged as a result of globalisation, the views of Professor Allan Fels, Chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission are presented through excerpts of his paper, “Trade and Co-operation with the EU in the new Millennium.” |