Excellent reforms have been instituted by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) to accelerate workplace gender equality in Australia, enabled by legislative amendments Reforms will improve transparency, accountability & action...

Dr Rodgers-Healey This International Women's Day, 8 March 2024, to honour the courage and remember the suffering of the thousands of women & children killed and terrorised in the Israeli-Hamas War,...

Australian Education Ministers agree on a way forward to substantively address gender-based violence in higher education. The prevalence​ of experiences of sexual harassment and sexual assault among university students, and the...

19 JANUARY 2024 Following the 7 October 2023 brutal attack by Hamas on Israel, and the ensuing Israeli military bombardment of Gaza, UN Women has worked to analyse the differentiated...

Fulfilling science’s promise for gender equality Despite progress in women's education, a persistent gender gap exists across all levels of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) globally. According to the United...

The Spotlight Initiative is an EU/UN partnership, and a global, multi-year initiative focused on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls – the world’s largest targeted effort to end...

Social and affordable housing in Australia Excerpts from The State of the Nation’s Housing 2021–22 states: The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) was established in June 2018 under...

  Is there a better way to call a government to account other than shouting out and decrying bad policy and behaviour with the hope that eventually citizens will influence...

Achievements 2000 - 2022 August 2000 Centre for Leadership for Women (CLW) is founded by Dr Diann Rodgers-Healey. Note: in 2012, CLW changed its name to the Australian Centre for...

Dr Diann Rodgers-Healey 14 February 2024 As we bear witness to the suffering and killing of children and women in Gaza, we also bear witness to world leaders who are...


Today marks six years since the invitation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart was issued to the Australian people. The Uluru Statement represents an unprecedented historic First Nations consensus...

If you would like to be an exceptional leader, ACLW's Dr Diann Rodgers-Healey invites you to register for a transformational personalised Leadership program for women called, Leading with Purpose to...

To celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) 2017 in the Illawarra, the Australian Centre for Leader-ship for Women (ACLW) invites you to celebrate this day with Illawarra women leaders participating in...

In October 2012, FECCA received funding from the Australian Government Office for Women within the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs to undertake the Women’s Leadership and...


Download the study: Political leaders and the media: a relationship that impacts on the nation's consciousness published 3 July 2013 This study aimed to further investigate the relationship between politicians...

On Aug. 15, 2021, two weeks before the U.S. military was to complete its withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban entered Kabul and captured the capital as the culmination of a...

Axe childcare activity test & extend single parent payment, introduce super on paid parental leave, Women's Economic Equality Taskforce led by Sam Mostyn to recommend. The task force was set...

There has been unprecedented attention at the national and state level over the last decade on improving and reforming responses to domestic, family and sexual violence across Australia. Significant national...

Outgoing Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins: “We are on the precipice of change” Kate Jenkins became the nation's Sex Discrimination Commissioner in 2016. Her purpose is to advance gender equality...

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